蒙古綠黨主席Mr. Zorigt來訪行程
2005年蒙、日、韓、台綠色團體代表齊聚烏蘭巴托,共同發起「東北亞和平暨安全工作網絡」(Network of Working Group on Peace and Security in North East Asia),並準備在北京舉辦2008年奧運之前,向中國當局表達對和平安全議題的關切。
Mr. Zorigt是今年4月2日新選出的蒙古綠黨主席,趁著來台參加亞太國際青商會的機會,6月2日將有兩場小型座談會,就東北亞安全議題與台灣綠色團體進行交流,並出席B2P 無車探險行前記者會。
一、東北亞區域和平 及 台蒙青年學生座談
(台北市信義路五段150巷2號16樓1600室 電話:02-87894812)
二、出席B2P Tour記者會
地點:台灣民主紀念館大門(原中正紀念堂 大中至正門前)
三、東北亞區域和平 及 NGO座談
Renovation of the Mongolian Green Party
The 5th Congress of the Mongolian Green Party’s held successfully in Ulaanbaatar in April 20th, 2007. The main agenda of the 5th Congress was to improve the Party’s activities. Delegates have revised and modified the party’s platform and some required amendments have been made to the rule. The 5th Congress resolved that the party will have two executives who have both equal responsibilities for internal and external differed duties.
Endorsed two chairmen have started their dedicated new duties and we strongly believe that parties’ amended rule will bring us democracy in the new level as well make rapid progress in party’s activities.
The 5th national congress has evaluated Mongolian current ecological situation and deliberated issues such as global warming, gold mining, mining related issues, diminishing forestry which are major negative influences for the Mongolian ecology. The session criticized and delivered official note to the current Government and Parliament for their de-consideration on current ecological issues and inconsequential actions for urgent ecological subject matter.
The Mongolian Green Party congress also reconsidered about the increasing air pollution problem in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar which is becoming a national disaster matter and decided to lead the action to reduce the air pollution by organizing and working out on various projects in both national and international levels via cooperating with other entities.
The party’s next political target is to participate in the Mongolian Parliamentary election which is going to be held in June, 2008, aiming to become a Parliamentary Party.
Renewed Green Party of Mongolia is striving for collaborating with Green parties of all countries, movements, NGO’s, individuals on conventional ecological trends.
We are appealing to protect the mother earth by keeping ecological and natural balances, dedicating sustainable development, democracy, human wellness and justice together with everyone regardless of nation, race, religion, age and economic competence.
Zorigt. E, chairman, responsible for internal affairs of the MGP
Purevsuren. Sh , chairman, responsible for external affairs of the MGP