全球綠黨聯盟大會,2008年5月1日至5月4日,在南美洲巴西的聖保羅市(São Paulo, Brazil ),會議的名稱定為全球綠人氣候大會(Global Greens Climate Congress)。
Global Greens Declaration for Bali 5th of December 2007
Time for commitments
Alarmed by the speed of climate change and the insufficient action、 particularly of those countries that bear the greatest responsibility for emitting greenhouse gases、Global Greens call for the Bali meeting to agree on a negotiation mandate to establish a binding regime for global greenhouse gas reductions which is consistent with avoiding dangerous climate change.
Global Greens call for the Bali mandate to build on key principles and mechanisms of the UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol taking into account common but differentiated responsibilities;
set a long-term goal of limiting average global temperature increase to below +2°C above pre-industrial levels; require the reduction of global greenhouse gas emissions by at least
60% by 2050 compared to the 1990 level、with binding targets for industrialised countries and broader global participation in reduction efforts、in particular by emerging economies through fair and proportionate targets; include effective and predictable financing for adaptation、incentives
to avoid deforestation and forest degradation and reduce land use emissions; make significant advances in facilitating clean technology transfer and deployment; include the promotion of sustainable agricultural practices; and aim to establish such an international agreement by 2009.
Global Greens maintain that reducing global emissions must not lead to other threats such as nuclear risks、including nuclear proliferation、the risk of terrorists getting control over nuclear technology、or the risks posed by the impossibility of safely disposing of nuclear waste.
Nuclear power must remain excluded from mechanisms aimed at promoting emission reductionsunder the international climate framework.
Climate change must be recognised as an issue of human rights and global equity、with security implications that might threaten international peace. Global Greens consider that finding an equitable solution is fundamental for success in international climate policy、and support the principle of converging global per capita emissions.
Global Greens are convinced that a low carbon or even zero carbon society is possible and can be combined with increased quality of life. To achieve this、it is necessary to set out a binding emission reduction pathway for the coming decades to ensure investment in energy-saving、 resource-efficient and renewable energy technologies.
Global Greens consider it imperative that global emissions peak by 2015、and that greenhouse gas emissions thereafter decline to a level which is sustained by the absorption capacity of natural sinks、recognising the alarming evidence in the latest science that this capacity is decreasing.
Industrialised countries must play a leading role in tackling climate change at world level. Global Greens call for developed countries to commit to domestic reductions of at least 30% by 2020 and 80% by 2050 compared with 1990 levels.
Deforestation and forest degradation、especially in tropical forests、 need to be tackled in the international climate policy framework. Global Greens call for urgent agreement to develop effective global measures、in particular to counteract any negative impacts linked to agrofuel
expansion. Measures to address climate change must not damage biodiversity、water and nature. They must respect the rights of local communities and be fair to developing countries. Global Greens call for a global system of biodiversity accounting linked to improved carbon
accounting systems.
Global Greens insist that the international climate policy framework must also provide independent and predictable financing to assist low-income vulnerable countries in adapting to already inevitable climate change.
Global Greens support the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) as a means of promoting climate-friendly technologies but emphasise that、as an offset mechanism、it is only a temporary solution. Global Greens maintain that the use of flexible mechanisms must be supplemental to domestic reductions.
Global Greens